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Acquired by BRIDGE in 2017, The Ramona offers 138 affordable apartments in Portland, Oregon’s Pearl District.

Acquired by BRIDGE in 2017, The Ramona offers 138 affordable apartments in Portland, Oregon’s Pearl District.


Built in 2011, The Ramona offers affordable apartment homes for families earning less than 60% of the AMI. Certified LEED Gold, the property’s design outfitted the building to produce much of its own energy on-site with solar PV panels and solar thermal water heating. Additionally, a 31,000 sq. ft. eco-roof and a filter in the courtyard treat 100% of the stormwater on site. The Ramona has over 14,400 square feet of neighborhood-serving community space.


Amenities include a common area with free Wi-Fi, a community kitchen, as well as an outside playground for children.


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the facade of the building is lit up at night
a woman sitting on a chair in a window
people sitting on benches in front of a tall building

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